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The R &
B Indies Volumes 1 & 2 Bob McGrath -
Eyeball Press - ISBN 0968644511 Two volumes of A4 size,
which are about two inches thick each. They
attempt to list every single release on
independent R & B labels between the 1940s
and 1960s. In fact there are over 4000 labels
included. It's not perfect by any means, there
are lots of labels missing, but of the labels
included they do seem to be almost complete
discographies. One feature which I think is
fabulous is that Bob Mcgrath has included a copy
of each label logo, and when the logo changed at
a certain number in the releases, the new logo is
shown at that point. Costing £100.00 from
Beatin' Rhythm in Manchester these books are
essential for the serious researcher / collector,
and whilst they don't contain as much information
as Stak-O-Wax, these books at least concentrate
on the R & B / Soul / black music side of
Lost Jeff Lemlich - Distinctive Publishing
Corp ISBN 0 942963 12 1 The history of Garage Bands
in Florida from the 1960s and beyond. Strictly
speaking this isnt even about Soul music,
but it does catch some of groups and singers that
we know with seventy odd pages devoted to Florida
Soul recordings. That aside it is a fascinating
story, told in great detail of growing up in that
period. Jeff Lemlich also covers areas that other
books dont, chapters entitled: Names, Tags,
Numbers and Labels (For Record Collectors Only),
Transistor sister, Our Best Friend, Our Radio,
are worth the price of the book alone. Its
also very readable rather than just being lists
of records and artists, so I would recommend
searching this one out.
Influential Factor Graham Lentz GEL
Publishing ISBN 0 9542552 1 6 Just as The
In-Crowd is recognised as the book that
tells the story of the Northern Soul Scene, The
Influential Factor does the same for the Mod
scene. Starting in the late Fifties and running
right through to todays scene this book
tells the story through interviews with many of
the most influential figures on the Mod scene, be
they artists, trend setters, club owners, or just
Mods themselves. Again, like Jeff Lemlichs
book, this is not about Soul music, but does of
course cover Soul music. Rather expensive at
£30, it is worth it, packed with photographs as
well, from the Sixties right through until 2001.
Im not sure who is selling these, but I
know Bee Cool Publishing have them, and
Scootering Magazine.
The Soul Of
New Orleans - Jeff Hannush Swallow
Publications ISBN 0 96142445 8 3
Jeff Hannush's
previous book was about R & B and Rock 'n'
Roll, in this he follows a similar pattern in
tracing the Soul sound of New Orleans back to
it's R & B roots. Consequently, whilst I
found the whole book interesting, I only found
about half of it really interesting. That said,
it's a useful addition to the bookshelf, and I
would recommend it to anyone who has an interest
in the history of the music we love. As far as
I'm aware this is only published in America, my
copy came from Beatin' Rhythm in Manchester who
stock virtually all the books I have reviewed in
the last year or so.
Ok, I wrote this
one, so I've let Dave Godin do the review :-) The Rare Soul Bible - An A-Z
Of Northern Soul by Dave Rimmer (Bee Cool
Publishing - ISBN 0 9536626 5 9
The main reason Bee Cool
Publishing has become the front runner in the
field of specialised music publications is, in my
view, due to the fact that they commission the
right people to write books for them, and the
results SHOW! There is no substitute for passion!
Their latest book by Dave
Rimmer carries on this fine tradition and is an
encyclopaedic compendium of 45rpm singles that
have, at some time or another, found favour in
terms of spins on the Northern Soul circuit.
However, Dave hasnt just slavishly done
label listings, but has arranged his entries by
artist, which, as anyone who has ever compiled a
discography knows, can be a mine-field with name
changes, records being issued twice on the same
label, or different labels, with different
flipsides, and so on.
Also too, as Dave himself
makes clear in the text, any such work can never
hope to be complete since a
combination of rare records surfacing and
artists amnesia lifting, will often reveal
hidden assets, hidden shame, hidden naughtiness,
and, sometimes, hidden gems.
Arranged alphabetically by
artist surname, I was also pleased to see that
some of Daves excellent writing on the Soul
scene has been included, particularly his
valuable piece, the marathon titled, Can
7-Inch 45rpm American Soul Singles Be Considered
To Be Of Significant Historical Value? A Reasoned
Argument. And of course, it goes without
saying that they can, and Daves reasons are
compelling, sound and significant too! This essay
alone is an essential read.
Some artists have
biographical information, but where this work is
of particular value is with those footloose
artists who record all over the place! Barbara
Jean English is a good example, and here we have
her listed not only in her own right, but with
The Clickettes, The Rinky Dinks, The Avalons and
The Fashions and all label name permutations in
Again, if you take a name
like Tony Middleton, it is amazing just how many
records (with various label name credits) this
guy has been involved in. And Ike Turners
various involvements cover more than eight pages!
But just flipping through the book is like
looking at a directory of old friends. And not
just old friends who have made records, but our
friends who spin them too, with club reports and
various play-lists from those who have never
given up on keeping the faith.
Quite simply, this book is
a must for anyone who has ever felt that thrill
when the opening bars grab you, and you want to
know more about whoever it was who has had the
power to cast such an aesthetic spell upon you.
And it proves too my oft repeat point that Black
America quite simply managed to produce so many
darned brilliant records that the market just
couldnt absorb them all at one go. So,
probably one of the most valuable services that
the Northern Soul scene ever did was to get
around to each and every one of them bit by bit,
and spread the magic over several decades so that
no worthy talent ever really got lost.
Of course there is no
substitute for the aesthetic rush that so many of
these records deliver, but, once youve come
down a bit, its nice to know just who it
was who was hitting on you so hard! And its
all here for the perusing. Great stuff.
Dave Godin
Guitars, Bars, And
Motown Superstars - Dennis Coffey - Bee Cool
Publishing ISBN 0 9536626 4 0 Dennis Coffey is a legend in his own
lifetime, unfortunately, until the publication of
this book, very few people realised it. As a
recording artist he has had his own spectacular
successes, especially with the million selling
single 'Scorpio'. However, that's not where my
own interest lay. As a session musician he worked
in Detroit throughout the Sixties and Seventies,
and it's his contribution to records on Ric-Tic,
Smash, Golden World, and Motown, and so many
others that was of real interest. His book covers
these recordings, and being the anorak that I am
I'd have liked even more detail than he has
included. The book is easy to read, fairly
comprehensive coverage of his career is outlined,
and there are lots of interesting photographs,
making this an essential purchase for any fan of
Soul music.
Musichound R & B
Albums Visible Ink Press
ISBN 0 8256 7255 4 An American book that
attempts to recommend the best recorded output by
R & B artists from the '50s right up until
the late '90s. As such, some of the choices are
rather interesting, especially as it seems to
concentrate on CD releases rather than original
vinyl. That said, the biographical details given
on each artist, are despite being short, quite
accurate and useful. Weighing in at a hefty 766
pages, this makes a worthwhile addition to any
ones reading material. Theres even a free
CD with six rather uninteresting tracks from the
Mercury catalogue
Love Unlimited - Barry
White with Marc Eliot Virgin Books
ISBN 0 7535 0566 5 The Lurvvve Walrus writes his
autobiography. Whilst I was expecting a tale of
lavish expenditure and ridiculous stories, the
early years when Barry White was producing
records and recording Sixties tracks makes very
interesting reading. In fact the whole book kept
me entertained right through to the end. This
only cost me a fiver, so it's worth picking up if
you see it cheap.
Soul 100 Essential
CDs The Rough Guide Peter Shapiro -
ISBN 1-85828-562-3
at £2.99 this really is an essential buy. Whilst
I might not agree with all the choices because it
covers the Sixties through to the Nineties, I
found this little book quire entertaining. Peter
Shapiro, the author, either knows his stuff or
has taken excellent advice on board from other
people. Just as a taster, these are the top ten
BLACKstreet Another Level
Bobby Blue Bland Two Steps From The Blues
Mary J Blige My Life
Booker T & The MGs The Very Best Of
James Brown 20 All time Greatest Hits
James Brown Foundations Of Funk
James Brown Live At The Apollo
Roy Brown Good Rockin Tonight
Cameo The Best Of
James Carr The Essential James Carr
Last Night A DJ Saved My
Life Bill Brewster & Frank Broughton
Headline Press ISBN 0-7472-6230-6.
has been around for quite a while now but I just
never got round to buying it. It's a look at the
history and current perspective of the DJ. The
chapter on Northern Soul is, whilst being quite
brief, reasonably accurate, and concedes that the
Northern scene is the Daddy when it comes to
Dance music. Written from the perspective of two
writers who are into Dance music as opposed to
Soul music I find it quite amusing though that
the Northern Soul scene is viewed as history !.
Worth looking out for because its only
eight quid anyway.
Ladies Of Soul By David
Freeland University Press Of Mississippi
ISBN 1-57806-331-0
a wonderful idea for a book, and how well it was
done. David Freeland has chosen to profile his
seven favourite female Soul singers of the
Sixties in this book, and I cant fault him
with his choice either. Well written, the
author uses interviews with the subjects,
recordings by them, and varying other sources to
build up a picture of their lives in the Sixties
as they tried to forge ahead in their chosen
careers. Interestingly he has not chosen the
world famous divas who did make it into
international Soul superstars, but has decided to
write about seven singers who he adored, and
thought should have made it to the world stage.
So, who are these seven female divas who deserved
better ?
forward for the roll call of honour: Denise
LaSalle, Ruby Johnson, Carla Thomas, Bettye
LaVette, Barbara Mason, Maxine Brown, and Timi
course, I would guess that the readers of Soulful
Kinda Music already own several recordings by all
these ladies, because we already knew they were
stars in our minds anyway. That doesnt
detract from this book though, and I thoroughly
enjoyed reading it from cover to cover. An
essential buy.
Calling Out Around The World
A Motown Reader by Kingsley Abbott Helter
Skelter Publishing ISBN 1-900924-14-5
another good idea for a book. Kingsley Abbott has
collected what he felt to be the best pieces of
writing on classic Motown from the Sixties and
gathered them together for this book. Most had
previously been published previously in some
format and are reproduced in their original
format here. Some, like the piece I contributed,
were updated specially for the book, and others
were written specially for the book. Overall
though, the articles are good, and make
interesting reading, especially as the authors
come from both sides of the Atlantic. Look out
for this book because it is another essential
Manships Price Guide
2001/2 Rare Soul 45s.
always hesitant about price guides because they
tend to become the asking price when people are
selling records, and I like cheap records, who
doesnt. I also happen to think that John
Manship is one of the more expensive record
dealers around, so I thought this would lead to
an increase in the prices of records generally.
happy to admit I was wrong. John has been
sensible about the guide and gone for what he
feels in a fair price for the records listed.
There are several examples where I know he has
sold records for considerably more than he has
them listed in the guide, which is because he
thinks they are worth the amount in the guide. If
people are willing to pay more at auction for a
record, good luck to John Manship.
what does the book actually contain. Simple
really, in alphabetical order by artist it lists
the singles that have been big by them on the
Northern Soul scene, A side, B side, label,
catalogue number, and price. I havent
counted all the titles but there are reckoned to
be over 10,000 singles listed.
makes it fun as well is looking up the records
you own and comparing what you value them at,
compared to what John values them at.
Finally, I have been unable to find an ISBN
number for the book so Ill give you John
Manships telephone number instead: 01664
464526 0r email info@raresoulman.co.uk . Priced at £25.00 the
book is not cheap, but its worth every
The Northern Soul Top 500 by
Kev Roberts- Goldmine Publishing
ISBN 0 9539291 0 8
the years that the Magazine has been running I've
always tried to review all the books about Soul
music that I could get my hands on.
Recently the titles about the Northern Soul scene
have been coming thick and fast. This is the
latest. The best book over the last few
year has been by far 'The In Crowd' by Mike
Ritson and Stuart Russell. Whilst 'The In Crowd'
concentrated on the scene itself as much as the
music, Kev Roberts has done himself proud by
concentrating on the music. The title only goes
part of the way to explaining what the book is
about though, there is so much more in there that
I'm going to go through it in sections.
first section is the top 100 Northern Soul
singles. I'm not sure how Kev decided which
records made it into the top 500, let alone the
top 100, so I'm not going to argue with his
choices, and who could really argue with the
number one: Frank Wilson. There because of it's
rarity on original label, it's recent selling
price, and the fact that it's a bloody good
dancer that has stood the test of time. There are
lots of other records which I would have expected
to be in the top 100, some which surprised me,
and some which I personally would argue
against. Whatever you feel, there is a nice
label scan and a bit of blurb from Kev, and a
quote from a varying group of Soul fans about the
second, and largest single section of the book
are the numbers 101 to 500. Virtually the same
format, but two records to a page this time.
Again, like me you will agree with the majority
of choices, think some shouldn't be there, and
think of some which should be there.
partly covered by the next section which is the
top 100 which didn't make it into the top 500 (Eh
?).You'll know what I mean when you read the
its onto the Top Tens, lots of them, from
what were the big records each year, to what were
the worst records, to what is the best magazine
(Not surprisingly Togetherness comes in at No. 1,
but Im pleased to say that SKM came in at
No. 2 !).
Top Tens are interspersed with pages of colour
label scans as well as some black and white ones.
Anyway, why are you reading
..you could have gone and bought the
book by now ! Just go and buy it !!!!
by Dave Shaw Bee Cool Publishing
ISBN 0 9536626 2 4.
I must apologise for the lack of cover on the
book, but as youll see this is a review
copy and the cover has not yet been finalised
(Wow ! My first white Demo of a book !)
The fun aside, this is Dave Shaws
recollections of a certain venue in Wigan.
Hes originally from Wolverhampton, and grew
up with a lot of the lads I see nowadays in
the Wolverhampton area, and in fact Dave is still
active on the scene, and still seen out and about
at nighters.
That I think is
crucial, to the success of this as the third book
on the Casino. Russ Winstanleys was
littered with inaccuracies, Pete McKennas
was littered with drugs, but Daves is
littered with references to the one thing which
drew us to the scene then, and still does
..the music !
Consequently Dave
is able to present a well balanced light hearted
book about his memories of the Casino. The book
doesnt pretend to be anymore than that,
its not the Official History
but again doesnt need to. Well
written, by a knowledgeable collector and dancer
this far outweighs the other two attempts on the
Reasonable priced,
this will I think go on to be a really good
seller. If you were there youll recognise
the events, the people, the records. If you
werent this will give you a good insight
into why there still exists such a fascination
with Wigan Casino, nearly twenty seven years
after it opened.
'Too Darn Soulful, The Story
Of Northern Soul' by David Nowell - Robson Books
ISBN 1 86105 270 7 The last
couple of months have seen a scramble to get
books about Northern Soul published. Last year we
only had two, Pete McKenna's awful story of drug
abuse and Russ Winstanley & David Nowell's
rather biased effort on Wigan Casino. Here we are
twelve months on and 'The In Crowd' made it
first, then a novel, and now this book by David
very difficult when reviewing two books on the
same subject, and it's a subject that you are
reasonably knowledgeable about yourself, not to
draw comparisons, but I don't want to compare
'The In Crowd' to this book. Whilst they are both
similar in content, they are not the same, and
I'm just grateful that both books are there.
much better than the flawed 'Soul Survivors',
'Too Darn Soulful' gives a very frank and honest
view of the Northern Soul scene, as it was, and
as it is.
Nowell has chosen to use other people's words to
tell the story, and added a narrative himself
throughout the book which is both informative and
accurate. More to the point, David's story brings
us right up to date on the Northern Soul scene as
it is now. I would have preferred a little more
coverage of the non oldies revival niters, but at
least they all get mentioned. I particularly like
the way that David has spent time talking to
people about why they run venues, one thing that
comes across with nearly all the interviews is
that it's not done for the money, just for the
love of the music, and that's what this book is
all about really. I'm sure that David's
intentions are to make money, after all, he's put
a lot of work into the book, but he wrote it
because he loves the music, not because he wanted
to make money, and it shows !
sure, like me, you'll have heard some of the
tales before, but don't let that detract from the
fact that this is a good book. It's easy to read,
accurate, and enjoyable, and at £17.95 an
absolute bargain.
you didn't get a copy for Christmas, go out and
buy it now, you won't be disappointed.
'Soul Harmony Singles 1960 -
1990' by Jeff Beckman, Jim Hunt, and Tom Kline -
Three On Three Publishing - ISBN not listed. What an
absolute bible this is. The book attempts to list
every known US released 45 by a black vocal group
(ie at least three voices can be heard on the
record) between the years 1960 and 1990. Each
listing gives the 'a' side, the 'b' side, the
label, the year of release, and many listings
also give group members, and cross reference each
member with their previous groups, if you know
what I mean.
as a research tool this book will become
invaluable, however, that is where the difficulty
lies. For Soul harmony groups the book is
invaluable, but if a singer made records which
didn't have a group backing them as well, it's
not listed, hence the discographies, in may
cases, simply by the definition of the book, are
incomplete. Therefore, whilst being wonderful at
filling in some details, the book also misses
others out. For example, the book has the same
discography for the Soul Brothers Six as I do on
the site, except only one of two solo singles by
John Ellison are listed in the book.
isn't an ISBN number listed so you may have
difficulty ordering the book, so I'll give you
the Publishers address in the States:
Three-On-Three Publishing, P O Box 9190, Bayway
Station, Elizabeth, NJ 07202. The book is priced
at $39.95 in the States.
'Crackin' Up' by Maxwell
Murray - Moonshine Enterprises ISBN 0 9536440 0
6. Whilst in the past I've
reviewed all sorts of autobiographies and
reference books, this is the first time I've
reviewed a novel that is based around Northern
Soul. Set in the early Seventies the book tells
the story of Keny Roberts' late teen years, and
centres around the major passions of his life in
those years. They just happen to be his scooter,
Northern Soul, and sex. Sound familiar ? Read On.
similar in style to the old skinhead / sueudehead
novels by Richard Allen, 'Crackin' Up' is
obviously written by someone who has been there,
done that, worn the T shirt. There are probably
more song titles mentioned in the novel than
there were in Russ Winstanley's supposedly
factual history of Wigan Casino, even the chapter
headings are all song titles.
won't spoil the story for you, but I wonder how
many readers would be able to say I remember
doing that ! There's even a twist in the tail
right at the end.
for £6.99 direct from Moonshine Enterprises Ltd,
Studio 2, Wingerworth, Chesterfield, Derbyshire,
S42 6NW. At that price it's got to be worth
buying a copy.
The In Crowd - Mike Ritson
& Stuart Russell - Bee CoolPublishing Ltd
ISBN 0 9536626 16 I can't get
over how good this book is. It really is the
definitive story of the Northern Soul scene from
the late 1960s to the early '80s (This is just
Volume 1) the book gives a totally unbiased
narrative set over interviews with key figures of
the scene.
text alone is superb, but when you balance that
with the memorabilia, and the photographs of
artists, clubs, records, and punters at those
clubs you begin to realise what a work of art
this book really is. Virtually every page has a
photograph on it, the vast majority in colour,
and not the same old photos of artists you
normally see either.
cannot recommend this book enough, it is almost
the bible of the Northern Soul scene, I read mine
almost non-stop until I had finished it, then I
started again. My compliments to the authors, the
time they put in recently on the scene talking to
people has obviously paid off (Although both
authors have a long association with the scene
anyway) and have resulted in this book.
over 300 pages, with literally hundreds of
photographs, to me it is an essential investment,
it's not cheap to buy, there again it's not a
cheap and tacky book either, so was well worth
the purchase price of £29.95.
details: 'The In Crowd' available at £29.95 plus
£5.00 p & p (UK), £10.00 rest of the world,
COOL PUBLISHING (BCP) LTD, PO Box 16924, London,
SW18 4ZU
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